Geology and its branches

Geology is a branch of science which is dealing with the study of the earth. It includes origin, composition, structure, past history of the earth.

Branches of Geology -

1. Physical Geology
2. Mineralogy
   a. Descriptive Mineralogy
   b. Optical Mineralogy
   c. Crystallography
3. Petrology
4. Structural Geology
5. Stratigraphy
6. Paleontology
7. Economic Geology
8. Engineering Geology
9. Hydrogeology
10. Environmental Geology
11. Remote sensing 

Physical Geology-
It is the study of physical processes ( endogenic and exogenic processes) responsible for the formation of the earth. 
Endogenic processes include plate tectonics, earthquake, volconoes etc.
Exogenic processes include weathering of rocks, erosion, transportation, deposition by different natural agencies like river, wind, glacier, sea waves etc.

It is a branch of geology deals with the study of minerals.
What is Mineral
Mineral is naturally occurring homogeneous inorganic material having fixed chemical composition and atomic structure and formed due to various inorganic processes of the earth.

Descriptive Mineralogy
Here we study the physical properties, composition, mode of occurrence, usage etc. of the minerals.

Optical Mineralogy
Here we study the minerals under pertological microscope.

In this branch we study mineral as a crystal. 

Having fixed faces, edges and angles.

It is a branch of geology which deals with the study of rocks. Origin, composition, forms, texture, classification of rocks. There are mainly three types of rocks like igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.

What is rock
It is aggregate of minerals.

Structural Geology
It deals with the study of different structures formed in rocks due to various technic activities. These are folds, faults, joints, unconformities, stress, strain etc.

In this branch of geology we study the past history of the rocks on the basis of certain facts present in the rocks.

Here we study the fossils preserved in rocks. Its preservation and different types of animals and plants which are preserved as fossils.

What is fossil
Fossil is the remainanc of plants and animals preserved in rocks in geological past.

Economic Geology
It is a branch of geology deals with the study of the minerals in economic points of view. In this branch we study different processes for the formation of economic mineral deposits, its distribution, mode of occurrence, usage and extraction.

Engineering Geology
It deals with the study of selection of sites for different engineer projects like roads, bridges, tunnels etc.

It deals with the study of different geological aspects related to underground water. Like water table, porosity, permeability, hydraulic conductivity, hydraulic coefficient etc. of rocks.

Environmental Geology
Here we study the environment in relation to geology. Also preservation, conservation of environment.

Remote sensing
As the name implies remote sensing is the getting information without coming in contact with the object. Here we getting information of the earth and different planets with the help of satellites.


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