Minerals : Classification and Physical properties
Mineral is a naturally occurring, homogeneous inorganic compound having fixed chemical composition and atomic structure formed due to inorganic processes of the Earth. Classification of Rock forming Minerals These are mainly of two types I Silicates Silicates again subdivided into 1. Ferromagnesian minerals i) Olivine group of minerals ii) Pyroxene group of minerals iii) Amphibole group of minerals iv) Biotite 2. Non Ferromagnesian minerals i) Feldspar group of minerals ii) Quartz group of minerals iii) Muscovite II Non Silicates Oxides Sulphides Sulphates Carbonates Physical Properties of Minerals Minerals are identified on the basis of following physical properties 1. Colour 2. Streak 3. Lustre 4. Fracture 5. Cleavage 6. Hardness 7. Specific Gravity 8. Form and structure 1. Colour The colour of a mineral depends on the absorption of some and reflectance of other of the coloured rays which constitute the white light. 2. Streak Streak of a miner...